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Coal Mine Roof Rating (CMRR)

An intuitive and user-friendly tool to assess the Coal Mine Roof Rating (CMRR) for underground coal mining geotechnical roof stability assessments.

⚠️ We've disabled a few options below for simplicity. All options (and more) are available in the Pro version.


  1. 1. Complete Analysis info
  2. 2. Add at least 1 unit
  3. 3. Calculate CMRR

Analysis Info


What is the Coal Mine Roof Rating (CMRR)?

The Coal Mine Roof Rating (CMRR) is a globally recognised system for assessing roof strata stability in underground coal mines. It consolidates various geotechnical parameters—including Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS), fracture spacing, and moisture sensitivity—into a single comprehensive score. This provides a clear, immediate understanding of your mine's roof stability, enabling informed decisions about roof support requirements and ensuring optimal underground safety conditions. ensuring optimal underground safety conditions.

Why and When to Use the CMRR

CMRR proves invaluable throughout a mine's lifecycle, from initial feasibility studies to ongoing operations. It effectively distils complex technical data into a single, actionable figure, facilitating swift identification of vulnerable areas, monitoring of changing conditions, and comparison of different mine sections. By highlighting zones susceptible to moisture damage or fracturing, CMRR enables proactive interventions—whether through enhanced support systems or modified excavation designs—before minor issues escalate into significant problems.

Our free online CMRR calculator streamlines the assessment process considerably. Simply input essential rock core parameters to receive a precise rating reflecting your roof's overall integrity. It's particularly suitable for geologists, mining engineers, and professionals seeking clear, dependable insights without navigating overly complex procedures. Ultimately, having such a concise rating readily available helps maintain proactive management of potential roof issues, minimising operational disruptions whilst enhancing mine safety.

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